How's your bad leg?
Better, thank you.
Your bad back? You're getting
old. You'll have me once too often.
When? I'm 50 now. My God,
boy, I'm the oldest man I know.
I've got a decade
on the pope.
What's it to be? The
broadsword when I'm 85?
I'm not a second son now. Your
Henry's lies in the vault, you know.
I know.
I've seen him there.
I'll have the crown. You'll
have what daddy gives you.
I am next in line!
To nothing!
Then we'll only have the
broadswords now. This minute?
No, on the battlefield!
So we're at war?
Yes, we're at war. I have 2,000
men at poitiers. Can they hear you?
Call and see who answers. You're
as close to poitiers as you'll get.
You don't dare hold me prisoner. Until we're
all agreed John comes next, I can and will.
You're a king's son, so I treat you with
respect. You have the freedom of the castle.
The castle doesn't stand that
holds me. Post your guards.
My God, I'm king again.
Are you happy for me, Geoff?
I'm happy for us both.
You played it nicely.
You were good.
Yes, I was.
I fooled you, didn't I?
Oh, God, but I do love
being king.
Well, Henry,
liege and lord,
what happens now?
I've no idea.
I know I'm winning, and I know I'll
win, but what the next move is...
you were scared,
weren't you?
I think you were.
I was. You mustn't play with
feelings, Henry. Not with mine.