The Odd Couple

Who? Felix and Frances who.
They broke up.

The entire marriage is through.
You're kidding.
After 12 years?
They were such a happy couple.
He'll go to pieces.
He'll try something crazy.
That's all he talked about...
his wife and kids.

He'll kill himself.
You hear what I'm saying?
He'll kill himself!
Stop being a cop
for two minutes!

Where did he go?
He went to kill himself.
Are you serious?
She said he didn't
want to do it at home

because the kids were sleeping.
Because Felix is a nut.
Did he say, "I'm going
to kill myself"?

I don't know.
She didn't read it to me.

He left a note?
No. He sent a telegram.
A suicide telegram?
Who sends a suicide telegram?

Felix the nut, that's who.
Can you imagine getting it?
She even has to
tip the kid a quarter.

Maybe he's bluffing.
We get these every day.

All they want is sympathy.
We got a guy who
calls every Saturday

from the George
Washington Bridge.

You never can tell
what a guy will do
when he's hysterical.

9 times out of 10,
they don't jump.

What about the 10th time?
They jump. He's right.
There's a possibility.

Not with Felix.
He's too nervous to kill himself.

He wears his seat belt
in a drive-in movie.

If you're going to
kill yourself,

where's the safest place
to do it?

With your friends, right?
Open the door!

He may be hysterical.
Let's play it nice and easy.

Like they do
to those guys on a ledge.

What do we say?
Are you through
with this discussion?

He could have hung himself
in the hall.

Vinnie, open the door.
Remember, like we
don't know nothing.

Oh, hi, Felix.
