in Miami Beach.
You'll be the first one
I call, Vinnie.
Are you sure?
I'm sure.
Good night, Felix.
Get a good night's sleep.
I guarantee things will
look brighter in the morning.
Take away his belt
and his shoelaces.
Oh, Felix, Felix,
Felix, Felix.
I know, I know,
I know...
I know!
Oscar...what am
I going to do, huh?
We'll talk
about it later.
Come on. Get something
to eat first.
Like some
nice, hot Ovaltine?
The terrible thing
is I still love her, you know?
I always loved her.
How about
some Vanilla Wafers
or Vienna Fingers
or some Mallomars?
You like a nice box
of chocolate Mallomars?
I got everything
in here.
We had so much
We had two beautiful kids,
a beautiful home.
Whoever had more
beautiful kids
or a more
beautiful home?
Nobody. Nobody.
It's 12 years of marriage
down the drain.
Drains can be fixed.
That's why we have plumbers.
Get me a pot
under the sink, will you?
It's not fair.
Damn it,
it's not fa...aah!
What's the matter?
My neck. My neck.
I got a nerve spasm
in my neck.
Just take it easy.
Show me where it hurts.
I can't
straighten it out.
Don't touch me.
Don't touch me.
I just want to see
where it hurts.
I get it from tension.
I must be tense.
I wouldn't be
Aah! Oh!
Relax, damn it,
Don't yell at me.
Ow. Ow.
Does that hurt?
No. It feels good.
You make the same sounds
for pain or happiness.
I know.
I think I'm crazy.
If it'll make you
feel any better,
I think so, too.
The first sign
of anything going wrong,
and I fall
to pieces.
Don't stop. It feels
good when you rub.