The Party

If there were something,
it's gone away now, anyway.

Well, I can see it.
What is it?
I don't know,
but I don't like it.

Pardon me, sir.
It's quite all right, fella.
I'm so sorry.
I beg your pardon.

Come on over here, honey.
We'll...try it over here.

Right here, on the corner.
This is an easy shot now.

First things first.
Get in the saddle.

Just like I taught you,
that's it.

No, I feel silly because--
Oh, no, hon,
you can do it this way.

I was here the other day.
Now, just relax, and you--
Just relax. Just--
Pay no attention to me, sir.
I am merely spectating.

Oh. Fine.
I can see that you are
an experienced player.

One of the best, feller.
Sir, excuse me.
What is the name of a game...
that has a multitude
of colored balls like that?



No, not poo. Pool.

-Oh, like swimming pool.
-You got it, honey.

I never heard of
a game called poo.

Fine game.
And so,
what is the object of it--

to disperse these colored balls
strategically around the table?

Get the balls in the holes.
All except for the white one.

Oh, that is the art?
The art is not
to have the white one in?


And how many people can play?
One, two, three, or what?

Oh, whole bunches,
or twos and threes.

With a group--
groups of people can play.

By yourself. Yes.
Thank goodness.
How wonderful.

Keep your eye
on the white ball--

Oh, excuse me.
Excuse me, sir, but...
you are, are you not...
Wyoming Bill Kelso,
the famous film star?
