What is that?
Would you mind getting--
This is 469-6151.
Please remain connected
to the telephone.
There is a call for you, sir.
Please hold on
to the connection.
Please, one second.
I wonder if you could--
Let me hold here.
Could you just let my hand go?
You've got my hand.
Thank you.
Now I take this from you.
Hold on one moment.
Oh. Excuse the mess up here.
It is birdie num-nums.
Put them under my feet.
Look. Just one second.
If you can take this
around you...
Just lift the ashtray, please.
Yes. Thank you.
Oh, Benny.
Yeah, well,
I'm having a few people in.
The picture?
It was going fine until
some idiot blew up the set.
Vodka or scotch, sir?
No, nothing, thank you.