You know that I don't think...
you're being
entirely honest with me?
We have a saying in lndia.
Well, what?
You were saying
something about a saying.
What is it?
"is the province of the aged...
"but the heart of a child
is pure."
That's very pretty.
I'm not sure I know
what it means.
Neither do l.
What does it have
to do with me?
Well, it has everything
to do with you.
For one thing, you see,
it stopped you crying.
It's true.
I feel better.
Thank you very much.
Don't thank me.
Thank my saying.
Thank you, saying.
Do you want to hear
another one of my sayings?
This is
a particularly good one...
because it will help you
always to remember...
how many days there are
in each month.
It goes like this:
"Thirty days hath September...
"October, June, and February.
"All the rest got twenty-nine...
"except my brother
who got six months."