You realize that you're free.
You're your own man.
No need to worry about being captain
and all that status stuff.
They'd never elect me captain
in a million years.
You're the captain of your soul.
That's what counts. Know what l mean?
There's one thing l could do.
l could get in and make believe
l'm swimming across the pool.
But that's kind of cheating, isn't it?
Not if l did all the strokes exactly
as if l were in the water.
- Hey, that's a good idea!
- Let's do it.
Now, there are three things
to remember:
...reach and follow through.
That's it.
Okay, let's start with the crawl.
Hey, you got pretty good form.
l've had lots of lessons.
lt's just that l'm afraid of the water.
Okay, over on your back. That's it.
You know what we do
in the winter?
We flood our tennis courts
and ice-skate on them.
Those kids of mine look so damn cute.
Like elves in their red stocking caps.
- l don't know how to skate.
- You come over, we'll teach you.
- Then we'll have a game of hockey.
- Okay.
Breaststroke. Yes, sir, those kids
of mine think l got all the answers.
Those kids of mine
think l'm just about it.
l've done it! lt's the first time
l've ever swum a whole lane!
l suppose it doesn't count, though,
because there's no water.