The Swimmer

l'll have a gin on the rocks, please.
When you have a chance.

Here l am again, Leroy.
Fill 'er up.

Some big deal, huh?
Boy, you sure gotta like swimming
to go in for this expenditure.

You look like the type
that goes in for swimming, huh?

Why not? When the world is
so generously supplied with water.

l'm not a maniac about it. Tell you
the truth, it's murder on my hair.

Lovely hair.
Thank you.
You a neighbor from around here?
You a friend of the Biswangers?
They're not even
on our Christmas card list.

Then what are you?
l'm an explorer.
- No, l mean, what are you doing here?
- l'm swimming home.

You married?
- What's that got to do with it?
- You're divorced? What?

Do you want to come with me?
- Where?
- Along a river of sapphire pools.

- l never heard anyone talk like you.
- Come with me, be my love.

- That l've heard before.
- Not from me.

- You're no different than any other guy.
- But l am.

l'm a very special human being.
Noble and splendid.

Come on, Joan.
