Put aside your reservations, Mother.
I'm sure you're going to enjoy
every minute of it.
- I doubt it, but I'll try.
- I envy you.
It's going to be a wonderful experience.
We really should congratulate
Sister George...
for suggesting that St. Francis
participate in the rally.
Yes, of course, Your Excellency.
We need Sister George, Mother.
She's a dynamic force.
But she does need direction.
And with your help,
she'll make an important contribution.
You've been very patient with her,
and I know it's been trying.
In fact, sometimes I wonder
how you've been able to take it.
I pray a lot.
Well, you couldn't find a better place
to pray in.
There's such serenity here. Such peace.
For these rare blessings,
we should give thanks to...
Sister George.
It worked!
Of course it worked. What did you expect?
I expect you to run a class,
not a training school for mad bombers.
Teaching children to make bombs
is not part of our curriculum, Sister George.
My lecture was intended to alert the class...
to the dangers
in ordinary household chemicals.
I certainly never expected the girls
to use that information to make a bomb.
- Who would?
- I would.
But then I've had 20 years
in which to familiarize myself...
with the Machiavellian workings
of the adolescent mind.
And you're relatively new at it.