Kids, hold it down.
Mother, I'm sorry...
Contain yourself, Sister.
It's not the end of the world.
But it could be the end of us...
if we just sit around
and wait for our arteries to harden...
while the rest of the world is in a turmoil.
I want to make a meaningful contribution.
And I want to make it with joy.
If I conduct myself
like a 20th century woman...
I don't want to be patronized
by people who say:
"Look at that darling little nun.
She's just like a real person."
I am a real person.
Flesh, blood, feelings and convictions.
That's for sure.
Sister's a real firebrand, isn't she, Mother?
Let's hope she doesn't intend
to burn down the church.
No, just warm it up a bit.
More coffee, Sisters?
- Please continue, Sister.
- I'm sure Sister intends to.
Father Chase, don't you feel
the most important thing...
is to share people's lives and problems?
And we certainly can't do that
if we're locked away in a little "nun world."
I don't think you can call us "locked away."
After all, we're not a cloistered order.
Cloister isn't always a place, Mother.
Sometimes, it's a state of mind.
That's very true, Sister.
But aren't you afraid of becoming less a nun
than say, well, a social worker, Sister?
No, Father. Wherever we go,
our faith goes with us.
And we hold it up for all to see.
Faith, like love, should be shared,
not hoarded.
- Beautifully put, Sister.
- Thank you, Father.
There's a new wind blowing
through the church, and l...