All ready here, sir. We're standing by
and awaiting your word.
Right. Over and out.
Our man was brought down
at 2:00 a.m. this morning.
SHAEF, in their all-knowing wisdom
didn't let us know until 10:00 a.m.
Damned idiots for not letting us know.
Double damned idiots
for ignoring our advice in the first place.
Anyway, here he is...
in a town called Werfen...
at the Schloss Adler,
the Castle of the Eagles.
And believe me, it's well-named,
because only an eagle can get to it.
Our job is to get inside there
and get him out as soon as possible...
before they can
get the information from him.
How are you so sure that he's there, sir?
The Mosquito he was in
crash-landed only 10 miles away.
The Schloss Adler is the headquarters...
of the German Secret Service
in southern Bavaria.
Where else would they take him?
-How did the plane crash, sir?
-Through the most damnable ill luck.