Smith, Lt. Schaffer...
Sgts. Harrod and MacPherson
in their military capacities...
the rest of you in other duties.
You all speak fluent German.
You've been trained
in different types of combat.
If anybody has a chance
of getting him out, you have.
There is, of course, another way, sir.
A way with a 100-percent guarantee
of success.
Neither Adm. Rolland or I claim
to be omniscient or infallible.
Is there an alternative that we've missed?
Whistle up a Pathfinder squadron
of Lancasters with 10-ton bombs.
I don't think anybody in that castle
would ever talk again.
Nor do I think that you grasp
the realities of the situation.
The captured man, Gen. Carnaby,
is an American.
If we were to destroy him,
then I think Gen. Eisenhower...
might launch his second front against us
rather than against the Germans.
There are certain niceties to be observed
in our relationship with our allies.
Very well, then, gentlemen.
10:00 p.m. tonight at the airfield.
-No more questions, I take it?
-Yes, sir.
Begging the Colonel's pardon, sir.
What's all this about?
I mean, why is this man
so damned important?
-That'll do, Sergeant.
You have all the information you require.
I think if we're sending a man
to what may be his death...
he has a right to know why.
It's painfully simple, Sergeant.
Gen. Carnaby is one
of the overall coordinators...
of planning for the second front.
He set out last night to meet
his opposite numbers in the Middle East...
to finalize the plans
for the invasion of Europe.
The rendezvous with the Russians
was to have been in Crete.
Unfortunately, his plane
didn't get through.
If the Germans can make him talk...
it could mean no second front this year.
-You understand, Sergeant?
-Yes, sir.
-I'm sorry, sir.
-That's all right, Sergeant. Forget it.
Now, if you have any more questions,
Maj. Smith will answer them.