Time of next broadcast uncertain.
Will you stand by?
Col. Turner and I will remain
at headquarters till operation completed.
Good luck. Out.
It looks as though you're right, sir.
Yes, I'm afraid so.
Who's next, I wonder?
-Smith himself, perhaps.
-I doubt that.
Some people have a sixth sense.
He has a sixth, a seventh, and an eighth.
-He's our best agent.
-Except yourself.
Still and all, even if he is the best,
this operation looks impossible now.
Take a look down there,
at the foot of the castle.
Dobermans, a guard tower,
and a wire fence.
Fences can be cut or climbed, Lieutenant.
I doubt if that one can be climbed. It's got
around 3,000 volts running through it.
If I'm not mistaken, Major,
that's an army barracks over there.
No mistake. This is the headquarters
of the Wehrmacht Alpenkorps.
Swell. If you got any other surprises,
I think I ought to know about them.