The chap they have
knows no more about the second front...
than I know
about the back end of the moon.
He's an American corporal.
His name is Cartwright Jones.
He's an ex-actor, probably second-rate...
but he's the dead spitting image
of the General.
Did you talk this poor man
into getting involved with all this?
I didn't have to. He volunteered.
What actor wouldn't?
If he pulls this off, it'll be
the summit of his professional career.
Mind you, it might be a short engagement.
Yes. A one-night stand.
Here we are.
Mary, now Maria, this is your cousin Heidi.
Leave this behind in case you're searched.
Heidi will tell you what to do.
She's been one of our top agents
in Bavaria since 1941 and....
What a disguise.
He left three minutes after me...
in a hurry, you say, so he wasn't after me.
Any of the others leave?
Not that I could see,
but this place is so crowded...
and there are several other exits.