- Maybe we should call a road service.
- Can't. No road.
And we're not sub-scribers.
I know something about motors.
Let me have a look.
- Here.
- Is that the motor?
Can't you tell one
when you see one?
Of course I can.
Let me peruse it.
- What do you think?
- I think I burned my finger.
Here, lads. Look at this.
- What do you think it is?
- Nothing.
Looks like nothing.
It's a local inhabitant.
He's probably one ofthe nothings.
At least that's something.
Let's show him our motor.
Steady on. You don't want to show
your motor to just anybody.
But this is a nobody.
Medic, pedic, zed oblique,
orphic, morphic, dorphic, Greek.
Ad hoc, ad loc and quid pro quo.
So little time, so much to know.
Can you tell us where we're at?
A true Socratic query, that.
And who the Billy Shears are you?
Who? Who indeed am l?
- Ph.D.?
- Who?
Eminent physicist, polyglot, classicist,
prize-winning botanist,
hard biting satirist,
- talented pianist, good dentist, too.
- Lousy poet.
Critic's voice,
take your choice.
- Must be one ofthem angry young men.
- Or a daffy old creep.
I, daffy old creep?
- Do you speak English?
- Old English, middle, a dialect, pure...
- Well, do you speak English?
- You know, I'm not sure.
He's so smart,
he doesn't even remember what he knows.
Why don't we show him our motor?
- Should we really... show him our motor?
- He may not have seen one before.
Turbo-prop, super-combustible spring.
Metrocyclonic and stereophonic,
this motor, I see, has a broken down thing.
- He fixed it.
- He fixed it?
Great. Let's go.
I must complete my bust, two novels,
finish my blueprints, begin my beguine.