"Sir, I have the honor to refer
to the very serious calls...
"which have recently been
made upon fighter command...
"in an attempt to stem
the German invasion...
"of the continent.
"I hope and believe that our
armies may yet be victorious...
"in France and Belgium...
"but we have to face
the possibility...
"that they may be defeated.
In this case...
I presume that there is no one
who would deny...
"that England
should fight on...
"even though the remainder
of the continent of Europe...
"is dominated by the Germans.
"I must therefore request...
"That not one more fighter
be sent across the channel.
"If the home defense
is drained away...
"in desperate attempts to remedy
the situation in France...
"defeat in France will involve
the final, complete...
"and irremediable defeat
of this country.
"I have the honor to be, sir...
"your obedient servant,
H.C.T. Dowding."
Air Chief Marshal Dowding, sir.
You do realize, Dowding,
the position this puts us in?
I realize that the French have
been promised this squadron.
By Churchill personally.
He's given the French
prime minister his word.
You do appreciate, Dowding...
that Churchill
will have to see this?
That's why I wrote it.