The English are not ordained
by fate to be our enemies.
You heard it yourself,
This time he's wrong.
They are completely
finished... done for.
We'll never have a chance
like this again.
Absolute nonsense!
Nonsense, do you call it?
It's a pure catastrophe.
Herr Baron von Richter.
The Fuehrer
will speak to you now.
My dear Max!
How lovely to see you
back in Switzerland so soon.
I came straight from Berlin
an hour ago.
The ambassador
will see you now, sir.
Thank you. Excuse me, please.
Sir David,
I'm again instructed...
to emphasize that
the Fuehrer wishes...
to avoid further bloodshed.
England is not
our natural enemy...
and he offers guarantees
for the British empire...
if you give Germany
a free hand in Europe.
Goering and his Luftwaffe
would like to flatten London...
as a prelude to invasion.
It's two lumps you take,
isn't it?
What's left of your army...
abandoned its weapons
at Dunkirk.
You're defenseless
and just playing for time.
We know of the moves
you're making in Washington.
We know the Americans
won't be drawn in.
Their embassy in London
gives you two weeks.
So what's stopping you?
Look, David. The Fuehrer
is being very reasonable.
He offers guarantees.
Experience shows the Fuehrer's
guarantees guarantee nothing.