But the essential arithmetic
is that our young men...
will have to shoot down
their young men...
at the rate of four to one
if we're to keep pace at all.
It's the oil pressure, sir,
but the gauge is being checked.
- All right, Charlie. Carry on.
- Thank you, sir.
Never give up,
do you, Charlie?
Instrument check, sir.
I hope your new C.O.
Believes you.
He's going to be
one of your headaches now.
They know the orders...
don't tangle unnecessarily.
So it's "May I do
an engine check, sir?
"Or an undercarriage
check or a radio?"
Any excuse
to get at the Jerries.
At least it shows they're keen.
Yeah, they're a good bunch.
God knows what I'll find
in Scotland.
A lot of kids with down
on their cheeks.
Yeah, training them
to be fighter pilots...
is a damn sight more dodgy
than fighting Germans.
Well, you've got to earn
that new stripe somehow.
At least I got
three days in town.
Give my regards to your wife.
May I have a word, sir?
Send us back a haggis.
If you want permission
for a test flight...
the answer is no.
Large scotch, please.
You with that lot
down the road, sir?
One and six, please.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.