Twenty plus.
Height, six thousand.
Yes, Danmoor, I confirm.
No I.F.F.
Hostile 2-9, now thirty plus.
Yes, Danmoor, I confirm.
Recheck I.F.F., please,
Sorry to call you in, sir,
but something's building.
2-8 now forty plus.
None due through
until tonight, sir.
Hostile 3-1 forty plus, 1-6.
Better bring
more squadrons to standby.
Right, sir. Get me Beacon Hill.
Reconfirm Hostile 2-3.
Hostile 2-3, 1-8-0.
Getting interference
again, sir.
Not now, corporal, not now.
That's better.
Five miles.
I'm afraid the raid is entering
my ground range, Danmoor.