You! Get me some stretchers
and the orderly.
- Ma'am.
- Fast!
You can stand some of the girls
down now, Corporal.
Jones, Whitman,
clear up that mess.
Then you can take five minutes.
43, stand down.
1-1-1 released.
5-0-1 are down at Tangbear.
They couldn't get in
at Big Wing.
Few more days like this...
and we won't be able
to get them down anywhere.
I suppose we could always
pull them all back...
north of the Thames,
out of range.
That is precisely what
they want us to do.
This is the BBC home service.
Here is the 9:00 news.
Large formations
of enemy aircraft...
today attacked targets
in southern England...
but the enemy's aerial armada
came in for heavy punishment.
Over forty-seven German planes
were destroyed...
with a loss of only fifteen
of our own aircraft.
Six of these pilots were saved.
Several R.A.F. Aerodromes
were also attacked...
and some casualties
were sustained...
but they were light.
Good. Very good.
The weather is constant.
We have a stabilized
high pressure zone...
and we'll make use of it.
The proof, gentlemen.
We are destroying...
as many planes on the ground
as in the air.
Thank you, Schmidt.
On the desk, please.
Reichsmarschall Goering
will certainly be interested...