Battle of Britain

and three from
army cooperation.

That's thirty, is it?
Not enough.

We lost that many yesterday.
And the air staff hesitate
to weaken the light bombers...

in case of invasion, sir.
We need pilots now.
What about the foreign squadrons
under training?

Czechs, Poles?
I know your feelings about
the language difficulties.

They don't understand a word
that's said over the air.

They're a menace
to themselves and us.

I'll try and cut more corners
off the training program.

Pilots are doing well...
enemy losing
at the rate of two to one...

then he can afford to, can't he?
Never sends more than half
his bombers at one time.

We must find more pilots...
or lose.
Begin. This is off speed.
Check 5-0-1 back
at ready desk...

I think you ought
to see this, sir.

Thank you.
Air raid warning.
Sector Three Red.
Rabbit Squadron.
Tallyho, tallyho, Red Section.
We'll take the rear starboard.
Yellow, you take the port.
