All right, boy. Get in.
Here you are, sir.
Thank you.
It's ridiculous!
We go up four
or five times a day...
and every time we come down,
more potholes.
There are more potholes until we
can't bloody well get in a door.
We'll get this place
operational again.
You won't. Not until
someone decides...
to protect it while we're up.
What flaming genius
thought of sending us...
to that dump of a flying club?
Don't blame me.
Direct orders from group.
Park himself.
It's not a bad little field.
I've seen it. Damp tents...
and a nasty little shack
full of dead flies.
At least you won't have
the Jerries visiting you.
I don't blame them.
How much longer, Hobbes?
The engine's overheating,
and so am I.
We either stand down
or blow up.
Which do you want?