About eight thousand feet.
I'm taking cover.
Tin hats, everybody.
That should damn well
never have happened.
- Where the hell is 12 Group?
- They were requested, sir.
They're nowhere in sight.
Find out what the devil
they think they're playing at.
They just fell on us.
They got my number two
and the C.O.
You saw Canfield go down?
It blew up.
Just blew up.
- Bad as we thought?
- Worse.
Kenley and Biggenor
are shambles again...
and the rest
are not much better.
God knows how many aircraft
we'll have in the morning.
All because 12 Group
didn't do their stuff.
and his so-called Big Wings.
Might as well stay on the ground
for all the use they are.
We were up, sir.
Trying to knock out
the enemy en masse.