It isn't funny! Cut it out!
Too damn close.
Colin, I promise.
I promise.
Attacks on London
are strictly forbidden.
This order you know as well
as I do, Major Brandt.
These attacks
may only be flown...
on the specific order
of the Fuehrer.
I regret, gentlemen...
that this is now
completely out of my hands.
By order
of Vice Marshal Goering...
you two are to report
to Berlin to testify.
Thank you.
Major Brandt?
Flying Officer Froedl.
Please follow me.
Would you believe it?
Don't they know
there's a blackout?
You know what Goering said:
"If ever a bomb falls
on Berlin...
- "you may call me Meier."
- Hmm.
You are to report to Colonel
Schroeder at 9 A.M. Sharp.
This car will take you
to your quarters...
and you are to remain there.