Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice

- I missed you.
- And I missed you.

- Martini on the plane?
- Yeah, two, as a matter of fact.

Shall we have it here on the stairs
or wait till I unpack?

- How did the shooting go?
- It went well, very well indeed.

Got some great footage.
The cameraman is... I don't know.

This new guy's something else.
He's got some kind of juice going.

I don't really understand.
He's very involved with the material.

You know, a cameraman! And he's involved!
And no hostility, no envy.
He's got something going for him
that I wish I had.

You're getting there.
- Nutty.
- What did you buy me, Daddy?

"What did I buy you?"
Is that all I ever get when you come home?

That's what you get!
I got you something,
but you don't get it till tomorrow morning.

- Come on.
- Turn loose.

- Come on, darling.
- Turn loose. I need my whistle!

- I want to see it now!
- You can see it in the morning.

A tiger!
Darling, look at your nice toy
that Daddy got you.

It can bite your nose right off.
You can make it bite off an entire nose!
