Hi, News.
What you doing?
Aw, howdy, Butch.
Uh, nothing.
Howdy, Sundance.
You sure are. You're
doing something. What?
Just fixing to rob
the Union Pacific Flyer, Butch,
like what we had in mind.
You fellas got everything
I told you all wrong.
Sure, we might
hit the Flyer,
but even if we do,
it won't be this run.
It'll be the next one,
the return.
Sundance and me,
we been checking the banks.
No banks.
The Flyer, Butch.
Fellas, bad as they are,
banks are better than trains.
They don't move.
They stay put.
You know
the money's in there.
When I left,
I gave orders.
New orders
been given.
I run things here,
Used to you did.
Me now.
This don't concern you.
You tell him
to stay out.
Well, he goes his own way,
like always.
What's the matter
with you guys?
When I came here,
you were nothing.
I formed you.
Who says?
Read them
a clipping, News.
Which one?
Any of them.
This one here's
from Salt Lake Herald.
Butch Cassidy's
Hole-In-The-Wall Gang...
That's me!
You want Harvey
to do your planning?
Want him to do your
thinking for you?
You want him
to run things?
Shut up now, News.
Not till I get
to the good part.
Also known to have
participated in the holdup
are Flat Nose Curry
and News Carver.
I just love to read my name
in the paper, Butch.
So we just forget
about Logan taking over,
O.K., Flat Nose?
You always said
that any one of us
could challenge you.
'Cause I figured
no one would do it.