~ Raindrops
are fallin' on my head ~
~ But that doesn't mean ~
~ My eyes will soon be
turnin' red ~
~ Cryin's not for me ~
~'Cause I'm
never gonna stop the rain ~
~ By complainin' ~
~ Because I'm free ~
~ Nothin's worryin' me ~~
You've come to get him
for the Flyer?
Would you believe
I'm broke already?
Why is there never
any money, Butch?
I swear, Etta,
I don't know.
I've been working
like a dog all my life,
and I can't get
a penny ahead.
Sundance says it's because
you're a soft touch
and always taking
expensive vacations,
buying drinks
for everyone,
and you're
a rotten gambler.
That might have
something to do with it.
Do you ever wonder
if I'd met you first
we'd been the ones
to get involved?
We are involved, Etta.
Dont you know that?
You are riding
on my bicycle.
In some Arabian countries,
that's the same
as being married.
[Door Opens]
What are you doing?
Stealing your woman.