I think we lost 'em.
Do you think we lost 'em?
Neither do I. Hyah!
[Door Opening and Closing]
Take our horses out
back. Feed 'em good.
Where's Sweetface?
Just inside.
you dirty old man,
I know you're
a lying thief
and so do you,
but who'd know it
to look at you?
Get yourself
out front fast.
You seen us
ride through
not five minutes
Do this right,
I'll get you
an old dog to kick.
Here, room 9.
Top of the stairs.
Hey, you realize
you're driving me crazy
staring out
the window like that?
I swear, Sweetface
can handle it, easy.
He wouldn't dare
louse me up.
He's that scared of me.
Hey, kid, how can I
give Agnes
the concentration
she deserves
with you staring out
the window like that?
Butch, you're
really something,
you know that?
Could you be
a little more specific
about that, Agnes?
[Horses Approaching]
O.K., Sweetface,
give them a nice smile.
Come on.
That's a nice touch.
I swear, If he told me
I rode out of town
1 0 minutes ago,