and fight
the Hole-In-The-Wall Gang?
That's fine with me.
If you want your kids
to know you let me,
that's fine with me,
but I don't think
that's what you want.
Is it?
Why don't we enlist,
go fight the Spanish?
You and me in the war.
We got a lot of things
going for us--
experience, maturity,
I'll bet
we end up officers.
I'd be Major Parker.
That's my real name.
Robert Leroy Parker.
No fooling?
Mine's Longbaugh.
No fooling.
Long what?
Harry Longbaugh.
So you'd be
Major Longbaugh.
What do you say?
You just keep thinking,
That's what you're good at.
But you're not frightened.
No, sir.
You have got respect for me,
and I have got
respect for you.
That's why you
and you and you
are riding with me.
Am I right?
Well, what do you say?
I say this.
I say, ladies
and gentlemen,
boys and girls,
friends and enemies,
meet the future!
The future what?
The future mode
of transportation
for this weary
Western world.
Now, I'm not going to make
a lot of extravagant claims.
Sure, it'll changeyour
whole life for the better,
but that's all.
What the hell do you think
you're doing?
You got the crowd together,
so I thought I'd do
a little selling.
I'm trying to raise
a posse here.
A short presentation.
The horse is dead.