You just can't stop making
chicken and egg sandwiches.
Why did you have to go there and lie?
Because it was the only way
I could get out of marrying her.
- Don't you want to marry her?
- No.
It's always been a mistake,
and when I caught her with Igor, I knew it.
But she thinks Igor is a child.
I saw him come through the window
with a diaper on.
He made me feel like an idiot.
I got out as fast as I could.
I understand why you went out
and got drunk.
You don't understand.
You see, when I left there, I was angry.
Furious! Homicidal!
- So you killed a quart of tequila?
- Please, stop interrupting.
I was sore as hell at Toni,
and then suddenly it was like magic.
My anger disappeared and
I suddenly felt a delicious sense of relief.
I said to myself,
"Julian, thank God, at last you're out of it.
"You can go home to your wife."
I bounced down the stairs, singing,
and I suddenly remembered I had no wife.
When I got home, there'd be nobody.
When I got back to the office,
you wouldn't be here either.
So then you hung one on.
It's marvellous, Doc.
That's very nice, Doctor.
- Stephanie.
- Doctor.
I think I'm going to kiss you.
When will you know for sure?
- I plan to do this often.
- I'll make a note to remind you.
It's funny,
I feel as if you've always been my wife.
- We don't have to bother getting married.
- Well, just as a matter of form.
Dr. Winston's office.
No, he isn't in on Saturdays.
Can I take a message?
Just a minute.
It's a young lady.
She's a stewardess
with Australian Airlines.