Castle Keep

But napoleon was a louse.
- I think soldiering is a bore, don't you?
- Yes, sir.

But i see you have the purple heart
and silver star.

I got excited. For a whole year i was
out of my mind, but i've recovered now.

But you'd fight for this castle.
I don't know who.
I don't know which side
would want to destroy it.

One thing more, sir.
Sorry i couldn't help
during the lecture.

That's beyond and above
the call of duty.

- Still...
- when you write your book...

:40:43 can rescue me.
No, don't bother.
Just write well about this castle
and how we kept it.

It's really not a bad title,
castle keep.

Thank you, sir.
Castle keep.
We will try, sir.
Will that be all, captain?
That is all.
No one knew exactly when...
... corporal clearboy fell in love
with the volkswagen.

But there he was one morning...
... petting it, shining it up
lik e a silver whore.

I understand you've been sleeping
with the volkswagen.
