Very well, corporal clearboy,
keep it.
Clearboy has a thing
about the volkswagen.
- Why doesn't he see a doctor?
- Think that's abnormal?
I think it's frustrating as hell.
- Amberjack. I want patrols stepped up.
- Yes, sir.
Be on the lookout for infiltrators
slipping into town in advance of attack.
The place for infiltrators
is the red...
exactly. That's where i'd go.
Sir, you want me to go
to the red queen's?
No, come back here and play the flute
while beckman saves statues.
That's the way to fight a war.
Seen any infiltrators lately,
honey, baby, pussy-lamb?
I gotta draw a lieutenant
to lead a patrol who's a flutist.
I gotta draw a lieutenant
who plays the "flaute."
Hey. Knock it off, you men.
I'm a german.
All right.
You knock it off too.
- May i a criticism make?
- No.
The "brahms' lullaby" goes:
I studied music in london.
- What are you doing here?
- Surrounding the castle.
- What century is it?
- 20th, for chrissake.