Easy Rider

"Starting brings misfortune.
Perseverance brings danger.
Not every demand for change
in the existing order should be heeded.

On the other hand,
repeated and well-founded complaints...

...should not fail to a hearing."
Well, when one--
Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye!
We've come to play for our dinner...
...or should I say,
stay for our dinner.

Or even...
...slay for our dinner.
Men at war.
How ghastly, ghastly!

We've come to drink your wine...
...taste your food
and take pleasure in your women.

The water in that river
is about 80 degrees.

You put your hand in a foot away,
it's below freezing.

Oh, come on.
I've got to get dinner on.

Who said "out" to me?
I picked--
Unhand me! I played communes--

Out! Out!
Evil eye on this place.
A double whammy for you all.
Come, my dear.
We won't play here.

Get out.
I like you.
These people got here
late in the summer.

Too late to plant.
But the weather was beautiful...

...and it was easy living.
And then came that winter.

There were 40 or 50
living in a one-room place.

Nothing to eat, out by the side
of the road looking for dead horses.

Anything they could get ahold of.
There's 1 8 or 20 left.
And they're city kids. Look at them.

But they're getting this crop in.
They'll stay here till it's harvested.
That's the whole thing.
