Easy Rider

I guess I really
tied one on last night.

Must've had a hell of a good time.
I wish I could remember it.
Could you get me a cigarette?
You animals ain't smart enough
to play with fire.

They're good boys.
You can give them a cigarette.

Thanks, mister.
Got a match?
Thank you, Bob.
I'm sorry about the misunderstanding.
There was no misunderstanding.
We're all in the same cage here.

You must be some important dude.
That treatment--

" Dude"?
What does he mean, "dude"?
Dude ranch?

" Dude" means a nice guy, you know?
" Dude" means a regular person.
You don't look like you're from
this part of the country.

You're lucky I'm here to see
you don't get into anything.

...they got this here...
beautify-America thing here.

Trying to make everybody
look like Yul Brynner.

They used rusty razor blades
on the last two longhairs...

...they brought in.
I wasn't here to protect them.

...l'm a lawyer.
Done a lot of work for the ACLU.
George Hansen.
You think you can help us
get out of here?
