Easy Rider

...was that, man?
What the hell was that?

I don't know, man.
I was watching this object...

...like the satellite we saw.
And it went right across the sky.
And then....

I mean, it just suddenly....
It just changed direction and went
whizzing off. It flashed and--

You're stoned out of your mind.
Oh, yeah. I'm stoned, man.
But, like, I saw a satellite.

And it was going across the sky,
and it flashed three times at me...

...and zigzagged and whizzed off.
And I saw it.
That was a UFO beaming back at you.
Me and Eric Heisman
was down in Mexico two weeks ago.

We seen 40 of them
flying in formation.

They've got bases
all over the world now.

They've been coming here
ever since 1 946...

...when scientists started
bouncing radar beams off the moon.

And they've been living
and working among us ever since.

The government knows all about them.
What are you talking, man?
You just seen one of them,
didn't you?

I saw something, but I didn't
see it working here.

Well, they are people,
just like us...

...from within our own solar system.
Except that their society is
more highly evolved.

They don't have no wars.
They got no monetary system.

They don't have any leaders,
because each man is a leader.

Because of their technology...
...they're able to feed, clothe, house
and transport themselves...

...equally and with no effort.
