Here are the announcements.
The youth employment officer will be
here today to meet the Easter leavers.
Your parents should have been told.
lf any boy has forgotten and thinks his
parents may wish to attend his interview,
then he can consult the list on the main
notice board for the approximate times.
And finally, for three members
of the smokers' union
caught yesterday behind
the games storeroom,
there will be a meeting
with me after assembly,
when I will be pleased to see
and hear them pay their dues.
He'd better not stick me.
I'm fetchin' me father up if he does.
What yer bringin' yer father down for?
He don't do nowt.
- How d'yer mean?
- Last time, he got stick an' all.
Shut up, will tha? I'm sick of hearin' yer.
When he came,
they were laughin' at him.
- Yer what?
- Yeah. Weren't they?
Don't say that about my father, right?
He's not gonna beat me, anyhow.
- What do you want?
- I've got a message for Mr Gryce.
Better wait in the queue, then.
He likes to keep yer waitin'.
He thinks it makes it worse.
He can keep me till four o'clock.
I'm not bothered.
l'd rather the cane than do lessons.
Come here, you.
Save us these till after
we come outta Gryce's.
He'll think I'm a smoker.
He'll not search you but he'll search us,
and if he finds 'em, we'll get two extra.
- I don't want 'em.
- You want some fist instead?
- You want to take them?
- You'd better, lad.
OK. But if I get caned,
you give me something.
Aye. Some fist if yer don't.
'Ey up, he's here - Gryce Pudding.
Single file.
Right. You lost, lad?
- Please, sir, I'm going...
- On yer way, form room.
You lot, inside.