Thou, nature, art my goddess!
To thy law my services are bound.
Wherefore should I permit deprive me,
if I'm 12 moonshines lag of a brother?
Why bastard?
Wherefore base?
Why brand they us with base?
Who, in the lusty stealth of nature,
take more composition and quality
than doth, within a dull, stale,
tired bed,
go to th'creating a whole tribe
of fobs?
Well, my legitimate!
Kent banished thus!
And the king gone tonight!
Subscribed his power!
All this done upon the gad!
Edmund, how now!
What news?
So please your lordship, none.
Why so earnestly seek you
to put up that letter?
I know no news,
my lord.
What paper were you reading?
Nothing, my lord.
Why, then, that terrible dispatch of
it into your pocket? Let's see.
Sir, pardon me.
It is a letter from my brother.