How now, my noble friend!
I have heard strange news.
If it be true, all vengeance comes too
short. How dost, my lord?
O madam, my old heart is cracked,
is cracked!
What, did my father's godson
seek your life? Your Edgar?
O lady, shame would have it hid!
Was he not companion with the riotous
knights that tend upon my father?
I know not.
Tis too bad, too bad.
Yes, madam, he was of that consort.
No marvel, then, 'tis they have put
him on the old man's death,
to have the expense and waste
of his revenues.
I have been from my sister
well informed of them.
If they come to sojourn at my house,
I'll not be there.
Edmund, I hear that you have shown
your father a child-like office.
- Is he pursued?
- Ay, my good lord.
For you, Edmund,
whose virtue and obedience
doth this instant
so much commend itself,
you shall be ours.
You know not
why we came to visit you.
Our father he hath writ, so hath
our sister, of differences,
which I best thought it fit
to answer from your home.
Lay comforts to your bosom,
and bestow your needful counsel
to our business,
which craves the instant use.
I serve you, madam,
Your Graces are right welcome.
Filthy coward!
Draw, you rascal!
Come your ways!
Help, ho!
Stand, rogue, stand!
You neat slave, strike!
You come with letters
against the king?!
What is the matter?