Korol Lir

But yet I call you servile ministers
that have with two pernicious
daughters joined

your high-engendered battles
gainst a head so old and white
as this.

O! 'tis foul!
He that has a house
to put's head in

has a good head-piece.
The cod-piece that will house
Before the head has any,
The head and he shall louse, -
So beggars marry many.
No, I will be the pattern of
all patience.

I will say nothing.
Who's there?
Marry, here's grace and a cod-piece,
that's a wise man and a fool.
Alas, sir, are you here?
Tremble, thou wretch!
That hast within thee
undivulged crimes,

unwhipt ofjustice!
Hide thee, thou bloody hand,
thou perjured!

Cry these dreadful summoners grace!
I'm a man more sinned against
than sinning.
Gracious my lord,
hard by here is a hovel.

My wits begin to turn.
Come on, my boy, how dost, my boy?
Art cold?
