Keep you our sister company.
Advise the duke
to a most festinate preparation.
Our posts shall be swift and
intelligent betwixt us.
Where's the king?
My Lord of Gloster hath conveyed him
- Who's there? The traitor?
- Ingrateful fox! 'tis he.
Bind fast his corky arms.
Good my friends, consider you are
my guests: Do me no foul play.
- Bind him, I say!
- Hard, hard! O filthy traitor!
I'm none!
To this chair bind him.
What will you do?
What letters had you late
from France?
We know the truth.
What confederacy have you with the
traitors late footed in the kingdom?
- A letter not from one opposed.
- It's false.
Where hast thou sent the king?
- To Dover.
- Wast thou not charged at peril?
Wherefore to Dover?
I am tied to the stake, and I must
stand the course.
Wherefore to Dover?
Because I would not see thy cruel
nails pluck out his poor old eyes.
But I shall see the winged vengeance
overtake such children.
See't shalt thou never.
Fellows, hold the chair.
Upon these eyes of thine
I'll set my foot.
Give me some help! O cruel!
One side will mock another;
the other too.
If you see vengeance...
Hold your hand.
I have served you ever since I was
a child. I bid you, hold!
How now, you dog!
I bid you hold, too!
What do you mean?
My villain!
Nay, then, come on,
and take the chance of anger!
A peasant stand up thus!
My lord, you have one eye left...
...to see some mischief on him.
- Lest it see more, prevent it.