Korol Lir

That shows you're above, that our
nether crimes so speedily can venge!

This letter, madam, craves a speedy
answer. 'Tis from your sister.

I'll read, and answer.
Why the King of France
so suddenly gone back?

Something he left imperfect
in the state required his return.

O thou good Kent, how shall I live
and work to match thy goodness?

My life will be too short,
and every measure fail me.

To be acknowledged, madam,
is overpaid.

A century send forth!
Search every acre
in the high-grown fields.

What can man's wisdom
in the restoring his bereaved sense?

There is means, madam.
Our foster-nurse of nature is repose.
Seek, seek for him,
lest his ungoverned rage
dissolves his life!

No, they cannot touch me
for coining.

I have this right.
I am the king himself.
