Midnight Cowboy

...says there have been
429 American casualties.

429 on the death list.
This as opposed to 643 South Vietnamese
soldiers on the death list.

Wait a minute.
What's the mat--

What's the matter?
Where's my damn boots?
Over there.
How'd they get off me?
I took 'em off.
What for?
So you could sleep.
I mean, Christ.
I should haul my ass outta here.
What's wrong now?
You want me to stay here.
What are you after?

You don't look like no fag.
What's that supposed to mean?
Don't you want me to stay here tonight?
I'm not forcin' you.
Who's forcin' you?

Oh, I'm sorry. I truly am.
I must've got
the wrong impression then.

Okay. Okay, boy.
I want you to stay, all right?
I goddamn invited you, didn't l?
I hope you know what you're in for.
I'm a truly dangerous person, I am.
If someone does me bad like you--
If I'd have found you that night,
there would have been one dead Ratso.

You understand me?
You hear?
I'm impressed. You're a killer.
