I enjoy drawing houses. I'm a prominent architect. I'm flattered by their offer. There are lots of reasons..
But seriously. What does a culture house mean to you?
It's a memorial over the total pointlessness under which people like us live.
You are making fun of it! Why build it, if you don't believe in it?
I wouldn't have anything to do. What are you doing yourself?
I try to occupy my time with things I believe in. I try to find some truth in my life!
Yes, but how do you know what's true?
It's a feeling from within. Sometimes we fail, but we strive to fulfill our souls and hearts.
Do you fail often?
I have not failed in the things that's been the most important to me; to live together with a man, my husband Andreas.
-Do you know why I didn't fail? We lived together in harmony because we were true, honest and believed in each other.
If I saw upon my marriage as you on your culture house, I wouldn't be here today.
I wouldn't have any happy memories. I wouldn't have anything to believe in.
...complications that will terrify our souls and lead to physical and emotional violence.