Do you miss her a lot?
I'm sorry.
Are you hungry?
One of my geology-colleagues makes fun of me sometimes because I'm scared of climbing down in caves.
-Do you want more ham?
-No, I'm full. "Always romantic".
It's one of my oldest records. I've always had such an terrible claustrophobia.
I've always dreamed about climbing down those caves.
-But that didn't happen. Do you like this one?
-Oh yes.
-Elis hate when I dance. He gets so embarassed.
-Elis is so tired with me.
-I'm sure he's not. -Yes he is.
I'm just a small part of his big general tiredness.
Although the world is ignorant of his sarcasms, I'm not.
He only wants to get even. Can I have some more?
-I don't know what to do. Goodbye.
-Elis is a fantastic person.
-Yes, he is. I like Elis very much.
Worst thing is that I love him. I really mean; love. There's no other word for it.
I just don't know what to do to show him my love.
Oh, Andreas. What will become of us? Why is it like this?