The best seller in the world
is the Bible.
For one reason.
lt's the greatest piece
of literature of all time.
lt's really tremendous,
isn't it ?
Here are the Shepherds
and the Three Kings.
The flight into Egypt.
The childhood of Jesus.
Mary returns to Naz.
Mary find Jesus in the temple.
So you can see how this would be
an inspiration in the home.
- You like that, honey ?
What's your name ?
- Christine.
Well, she's as bright, she's
pretty like her mother. Huh ?
Christine, you know
what my name is ? Guess.
Paul. Paul, you know ?
- You have a cousin named
Paul, don't you, Chris ?
- Yeah.
You can see how complete it is.
The Bible runs as little as $49.95,
and we have three plans on it.
Cash, C.O.D., and also they have
a little Catholic Honor Plan.
Which plan would be the best
for you, the ''A,'' ''B'' or ''C'' ?
- l'm really not interested unless
l speak it over with my husband.
- Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. You wouldn't want
to give him a surprise ?
Does he have a birthday coming up ?
It'd be a lovely gift.
That's true.
We place a tremendous--
The Bible is still the
best seller in the world, so--
I just couldn't afford it now.
We've been swamped with medical bills.
- [ Dog Barking ]
- Oh, hi, Mrs. Robb.
l'm Mr. McDevitt from the church.
How are you today ?
- Now, what is this ?
- From the church. Sunday.
No, l guess you've got me mistaken.
What name do you want ?