- [ Paul ]
Did you go to Spencer? Again ?
- No. Webster.
Oh, Webster. Excuse me. Yeah.
Well, of course, the time.
- Takes an hour to get there.
Not much time to work with--
- Well--
If you're not familiar with the terri--
No matter how good a man you are,
if you're not familiar with the
territory, it's difficult, you know ?
[ Ken ]
Permit me to offer my own alibi.
[ All Laughing ]
Any man that's not good
at sellin'should be able--
should be good at makin'excuses.
[ Charlie ]
Any man that's not good at sellin'...
- should be good at findin'territory.
- Findin' territory.
[ Laughing Continues ]
- [ Door Closes ]
- [ Ken ] Where you been ?
-Just finishin' up.
- What, you work all night ?
[Jimmy ]
And then he shows up at 1 0.:05.
Where's your orders ?
Oh, we got a producer.
- Oooh !
- One of a kind.
- That many ?
- l got three singles.
- Yeah ?
- l didn't get an order till 8:00 and--
[ Muttering ]
Well, pretty good dips.
Twelve. Ten and ten.
Twenty. Yeah.
Nice lookin' sales. Very good.
[ Ken ] Money is being made
in the Bible business.
It's a fabulous business.
It's a good business.
And all I can say to people who aren't
makin'the money.: It's their fault.
Just keep that in mind. The money's
out there, and go out and get it.
I, for one, am sick and tired
of hagglin' with you people...
and pleadin' with you to get you
to do what's good for you...
and what's good for us.
Instead of--
Friday and Saturday--
lnstead of goofin' off
or playin' gin rummy or poker,
which l think
is all very important--
- [ Men Laughing ]
- l think somebody
that's out in that territory...
should go out and see if this church
is in a good neighborhood.
Or if it's in a skid-row
neighborhood, meet the priest.
And if you're
gonna have a problem,
see it in time to let us know...
so we can get another church.