
[ Charlie ] Well, you're more Scotch
than you're Irish, Jimmy.

[Jimmy ] Well, thank you
very much for saying that.

Jimmy, I'll tell you something.
I'll be very truthful.

- l never ran into a mooch
like this in my life before.
- [ Laughing ]

The biggest mooch
l ever seen in my life !

- You know, l admire you.
- lt's like l told Landry
down at the office,

gimme about ten mooches a day
in this business.

- What's a moocher ?
- What do you mean ?

- Easy to talk into.
- A mooch. Book mooch.

- Oh, really ?
- You know, people that read a lot
and appreciate books.

- Yeah.
- Don't tell me you don't.
l know you do.

- Well, these aren't the books l read.
- Who was readin' this ?

- Me. She don't read.
l'm the one that reads.
- l certainly wasn't reading that.

You'd really love the Bible.
You won't run into people
like me all the time.
You're gonna have to work harder.

But you men are doing fine.
I like to see men out, you know,
on their own, doing things.

- lndependent.
- Right. Get away from companies.

- Get away from people over you.
- Get away from pensions.

- Right.
-And do what you believe
in life, just like you.

- Yeah, l'm doin' swell.
- You, you've got a good job.

- No, she don't believe
in what she's doin'.
- l don't believe in it.

- She hates her supervisor.
- l don't believe in workin'.

- That's a good job.
Anyone who works for the phone company.
- No, she hates her supervisor.

l like bein' out on your own.
l don't like being, you know,
under anyone like that.

- Being independent, sure.
- Mm-hmm. Really.
lt gets jerky after a while.

Now, supposin'you're kiddin'us,
who do we get in touch with ? The FBI ?

You have your duplicate here.
As a matter of fact--

- That thing don't mean a thing.
- Let me ask you this.

You mean to say you don't think he's an
honest man, Mother, by looking at him ?

- You're not literal
like l am. l'm-l'm--
- [ Laughing ]

She is a livin'saint.
And I have a nephew a priest.

And l have a daughter
in the convent.

[ Laughs ]
And l'm a devil.

[ All Laughing ]
[ Coughing ]
