
Five a month ?
Or do you want to C.O.D. it ?

I could pay a little deposit
on it now to make it binding.

Hey, thanks a lot. Oh !
There you are!
Now you're a member of the family.

- [ lndistinct ]
- That's why we have lumps on our heads.

[ Clears Throat ] And this is your
receipt. l'll get you a brand-new set.

But l just have to go down to the car,
and l'll bring one up.

Hey, I'll just take this
out of my car.

l got no pitches.
- None at all, huh ?
- Not one in.

One home at all ?
Not one.

- You know the one
that asked for the Bible ?
- Yeah.

She wasn't home. The other one
wasn't home. The two of them.

- Well, l have to deliver this.
- All right.

- lt's right up the street.
- Okay.

[ Radio.: Orchestra ]
[ TV Sportscaster ]
There is a left hand right to the head.

It's a strong left hook
to the midsection.

And now they tie each other up.
How'd the battle go ?
Well, not much of a battle.
It's a left hook
to the head. It misses.
