
Did you scratch ?
Huh ?
Yeah. Well, kid,
New England no longer for me.

l'll call up Kenny and tell him
he can work the rest of my leads.

I hit 'em with everything
but the Chinese fence.

Half the time, I couldn't
even get in the door.

I couldn't find the houses.
I spent about two hours
on the last one.

Boy, I broke my ass on it.
[ Laughing ]
This is the middleweight
championship fight-- Emil Griffith.

Well, l'd like
to be in it myself.

It's not me any longer.
It's these people.

l actually got in no pitches...
because, you know, soon--
''l can't afford anything.
We just don't have the money.

l have a sick kid. My wife is out.
My husband's out of work.''

- And this is continual !
- [ TV.: Bell Dings ]

I'm not thinkin'negatively,
but I tried the ''gift, ''

relatives in the convent,
all the old Mickey stuff.

But these are-- this is the most
ball-breaking territory l've run in...

since Gallivan Boulevard.
Where they're ducking behind the door,
phony names and phony addresses.

- [ Imitating Irish Brogue ]
''Did the Father send ye ?''
- Oh,Jesus.

They didn't even ask that.
They didn't care about the Father.

Carol, Grady--
Boy, the names!

The Italians and, uh, the Irish.
And really dead, you know ?
No, no enthusiasm.

- You feel like eatin' again ?
- l don't know. l feel like, uh--

- Let's go down to Gigi's.
- Oh, no.

- Huh ?
- No more fuckin' ltalian food
for me after these guineas !

- Oh, my God. [ Laughing ]
- Impoverished Sicilians.
