The Irish must have come
over in a banana boat.
Lush territory ?
You'd have to be a lush to work it.
They say Alaska's good territory.
- [ Ray Laughs ]
- No, that's a fact.
Remember the time we were going
to go to Alaska ? Remember ?
Paulie, I remember about eight years ago
you were telling me...
that this business
is on the fringes.
- lt's still on the fringes.
[ Laughing ]
- It's worse now.
Well, this business
reminds me of a surrey,
one of those--you know,
the little things in the olden days--
you know, the wagons
with the thing on top.
- Carousel?
- Yeah. Well, a surrey
with a fringe on the top.
And they got
these little tassels.
Now the way l take
this business-- only--
the tassels aren't even left.
- [ Laughing ]
- They're nothin'but shreds.
[ Laughing ] l'm workin' all my new
sales on the five-year plan.
Gee whiz. Oh, dear.
[ Laughs ] Oh, dear.
You look like you've had it.
So, how'd you do ?
Last call l got one.
[ Coughs ]
And l would've been
a little mad had you got it.
- What do you mean ?
- Because it was the one
that you went next door,
you know, and they weren't home,
and you went to this one by mistake.
And you pitched there
with just the wife.
- Yeah ?
- And the husband
left the name with me, see ?
- The people next door--
- Did you sell him ?
- Yeah, l had a little
problem selling him.
- lt was tough.
- l tried to pitch her, but, you know--
- Yeah, took a long time too.
- Was it cash or what ?
- Drew a cash, yeah.
- Good. A Bible, right ?
- Yeah.
She said she'd like a Bible,
but she wouldn't do nothin' without him.
- I was supposed to go there tonight.
- He was-- He was all right.
She's the one turned out
to be tough, you know ?
This was-- She was the one, yeah.
She was very bossy.
- No, but she was all right.
lt was him. He says--
- Oh, but yeah, but--
As a matter of fact,
l had to sell him a demonstrator.
l sold him the one l had.
- Yeah ?
- And, uh, he says,
''Gee, $40 is an awful lot for a Bible.''
So l says, ''Well, when you
figure out you're gonna have it
for a lifetime, it's not a lot.''